About Us

 Information Written Here Will Change / Be Updated 

 Basic Information - HYDRA 

We are a DID system. Diagnosed after roughly 8 years of on and off therapy in 2019. The diagnosis was finalized following a psychotic break. Broadly speaking, We are 22, Male (He/It Pronouns) and are, overall, One Sick Pup. We'll probably use We/Us/Our while writing here. Or one of us will use I/Me. We use plural pronouns when addressing a blanket statement for the entire system, or talking about an experience we have as a collective, but some entries may be personal to the alter writing them. To learn more about us individually, click Here.


Journaling, Poetry/Writing, Web Games (NeoPets, Mistic Pets, etc.) Video Games (Minecraft, Skyrim, Slime rancher, etc.) Reading, Collecting things, Maritime History, Boats, Historical facts, documentaries, disasters / catastrophes, talking about anything we find interesting, Coding, Working out, Talking about ourself, Building anything (models, shelves, Legos, etc.) Organization, Coffee, Pinterest, Making Lists / organizing, Loud Music, Being the center of attention.